Monday, May 26, 2014

Scrapbook ✓

 Scrapbook memories can be made easily with some of your favourite people, and a camera.

 Having pictures taken with  people can show that you were physically in a place that some people may not believe that you were. It also adds a file to your scrapbook of memories. This picture was taken in Ottawa. The background behind my two friends here was a very tall totem pole and some aboriginal art on the wall. This picture would be different if there was no one in front of it. People would have a different reaction to the picture, because there isn't someone in front of it.

Playful pictures create funny memories. These pictures were taken at the AGO in DT Toronto. I was taking pictures of the pieces in the gallery, and we came across a kids section. These pictures were taken when they were behind a wall with a window that was shaped like a frame. Because of the low height, I was unable to have a stable stance so the pictures are not straight. A good tip is to have a tripod with you if you plan on taking pictures with people. A tripod secures a straight angle of the picture, and can replace a person standing behind the camera to take the picture. Also, with a remote control; aside from the tripod, you are able to take a picture, for example a group shot, without missing someone in the picture. 

"I love photos, because the best thing about it is that it never changes, even when the person in it does." - Anonymous.
When you look back at the pictures you've taken, maybe months or even years later. You seem to get that feeling of happiness or sadness; when you realize there's a change to the people in the picture good or bad.

Ms. Muffin

Taking pictures of your pets can set a life-time long memory. Some cute, funny, or nice, others it just was 'in-the-moment'.

This was one of the first few pictures I took of my rabbit when I first got her. This picture compared to the other pictures of her nowadays is a huge difference because she like almost 3 times the size she was when I first got her. This picture of her is when she was cleaning her face, I've seen many rabbits do this, but never so close that I could take a picture. The way they wash their face is really entertaining. This picture is the only picture of her in this post that I took with a camera, the other two were with a phone.

This picture was when she is let out in the kitchen to run around, and she gets tired.So she curls up her front legs under her body like a cat. This was a perfect opportunity to snap a picture. I used my Samsung phone to take this because I didn't have time to grab a camera. By then, I knew how to hold a phone camera a way that can capture the picture similarly to a picture from a camera. Like using a camera, you would need to have steady hands, especially if you have zoomed into the scene. This is because if your hands are shaky, it will move the picture a lot more than if the picture was not zoomed at all.
This picture I took with my iPhone sometime in 2013. This was just a simple picture that I wanted to create a memory of; having her for over 3 years. With the light source behind me, it makes the picture darker than it would have been if the light source was in front of me. I believe that the position of the light source makes a huge difference in the quality of the picture, and the message that the picture is trying to bring across. If I were to analyse this picture, I would say that it would be a sad picture because of the lighting. Some pictures that are dark aren't always sad, but they have this hint of mystery in them.

"If you live to be one hundred, I want to live to be one hundred minus one day. So I never have to live without you." A.A Milne.

Pets are more than a companion, some become best friends, and they create memories that are long lasting.

Flesh and Blood in the Wild

Animals in their own habitat are plain beautiful. When they can live naturally in their own place without disturbance is precious.

These pictures were taken at High Park, in DT Toronto. High Park is a large park, unlike neighbourhood parks, they have many animals, trees, and scenery. This picture of a swan's bottom was very common when I was there. They would dive their whole head, even their neck into the water to get food that they find at the bottom of the water.
Birds can just sit on a tree and gaze at the sky. But to us, it's an artwork. This picture shows how a gloomy sky, mixed with a perfect pose can turn into a beautiful picture. Snapping pictures of birds aren't difficult, as long as they aren't flying. This picture, I love very much because it looks professional, in my eyes.

My dad told me that some birds are able to land on the water, like how seaplanes can land on the water with their floats. That's how the birds landing, but instead of using floats, they use their webbed feet. We saw some birds taking off and landing on the water a few times, but never got a chance to take a picture of it because we can never predict the perfect place to aim the camera where the bird was going to land.

Little rodents attract a huge crowd. When they jump around, dig, or climb trees, which is natural to them, it looks really neat to us. Having the chance to snap a picture of them is very unlikely because of their small size and speed. This picture is when the squirrel was scurrying across a sidewalk towards some trees. A technique to being able to take pictures of small animals, or just animals in general is to be very stealth. If you were to walk really fast or loud, you would frighten the animal and lose your chance of taking a picture.

"The Earth is art, the photographer is only a witness." - Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
There are two kinds of people in the world.
One sees the world as a place that needs improvement.
The other sees it as an artwork that shouldn't be messed with.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer Time

Summer time, is the best time. For social events, lying around, and of course; taking pictures.

My interest in photography evolved from simple everyday items, to people, to naturally cool effects. This effect in this picture, I believe it's called a lens flare. But instead of coming from a light source, it came from the sunset reflecting off of a nearby window. It was the summer of 2011, my family was having a BBQ in our backyard. For funnsies, I was taking pictures of almost everything, the trees, the grass, the barbeque itself, and even my family. Even though this picture seems really simple, if it were without the flare, it would look like I was focusing on the tree, which is rather boring I would say.

Sunset and sunrise pictures capture the best of nature in my opinion. This here is a sunset picture, if you look closely, you're able to see a glimpse of the moon. I always loved the different shades of colours in the sky, during anytime of the day. When it's rainy, the clouds are darker and gloomier. When it's sunny, the clouds get this yellow-ish white colour from the sun rays. Different times of the day, and times of the year react to the different colours of the clouds. My favourite is the sunset of summer times. Why not sunrise? Because I'm never up that early to be able to take pictures. Although, I'm sure many people would get up really early in the morning to take a perfect shot of the sunrise, or in the middle of the night for the meteor showers. Meteor showers, I've never had the chance to even see one in person. That, would be one of my goals in life.

Even my rabbit had a little camera time. She wasn't outside in the backyard though. This picture is blurry because I was on a high-chair and almost fell. When I first got her, I took so many pictures of her, because she's really cute, fluffy may I add. She was really tiny when we got her, but, just a few years later, she's huge!

If this picture sparked an interest to behind the scenes of my rabbit, my next blog will be ALL about her.

The Beginning

My photography interest started fairly a few years ago. When I was in grade 8, I found my dad's Canon camera lying around in his room. Curiosity kills the cat people say. Luckily, it didn't kill me that day. but instead sparked a new hobby.

This picture was from the War Museum in Ottawa. We went to Ottawa for our grade 8 graduation trip, we also went to wonderland. But that was before I got into taking pictures. The picture's kind of funny looking eh? Throughout this year was just the beginning of a long journey through photography for me. These pictures weren't considered 'professional', they were just 'fun' and 'in-the-moment'. Like, this car, it looks something like Mator from Cars right? 

For someone who likes to take pictures, I'm not fond of being in them. For the pictures that have me in them, I like to take them myself. This picture was totally intentional because I was tired, and they just put a rubik's cube on me. That reminds me. The Rubik's cube trend was lost a couple of years ago. My whole grade 7/8 class started playing the Rubik's cube as I started to teach a few. It was fun, a truly memorable year. 
Many say, A picture is worth a thousand words. I agree to this, a picture can bring back many memories, good or bad, which resembles a thousand words. 

Since 2012, I've taken many pictures, with my phone, a Sony digital camera, and a Canon DSLR. When the picture is captured and edited on a computer, there can be many effects made. Like the one in this picture, I chose a white background to contrast the black camera. I also added a black and white effect, to emphasis the blackness of the camera. This camera is actually a film camera, that my dad still keeps. Sadly, film is really expensive nowadays, so I didn't get to try it out. But being able to hold it and admire the little things on it, is really interesting.

"A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away." - Eudora Welty.
Don't let a perfect moment escape.