Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer Time

Summer time, is the best time. For social events, lying around, and of course; taking pictures.

My interest in photography evolved from simple everyday items, to people, to naturally cool effects. This effect in this picture, I believe it's called a lens flare. But instead of coming from a light source, it came from the sunset reflecting off of a nearby window. It was the summer of 2011, my family was having a BBQ in our backyard. For funnsies, I was taking pictures of almost everything, the trees, the grass, the barbeque itself, and even my family. Even though this picture seems really simple, if it were without the flare, it would look like I was focusing on the tree, which is rather boring I would say.

Sunset and sunrise pictures capture the best of nature in my opinion. This here is a sunset picture, if you look closely, you're able to see a glimpse of the moon. I always loved the different shades of colours in the sky, during anytime of the day. When it's rainy, the clouds are darker and gloomier. When it's sunny, the clouds get this yellow-ish white colour from the sun rays. Different times of the day, and times of the year react to the different colours of the clouds. My favourite is the sunset of summer times. Why not sunrise? Because I'm never up that early to be able to take pictures. Although, I'm sure many people would get up really early in the morning to take a perfect shot of the sunrise, or in the middle of the night for the meteor showers. Meteor showers, I've never had the chance to even see one in person. That, would be one of my goals in life.

Even my rabbit had a little camera time. She wasn't outside in the backyard though. This picture is blurry because I was on a high-chair and almost fell. When I first got her, I took so many pictures of her, because she's really cute, fluffy may I add. She was really tiny when we got her, but, just a few years later, she's huge!

If this picture sparked an interest to behind the scenes of my rabbit, my next blog will be ALL about her.

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