Monday, May 26, 2014

Flesh and Blood in the Wild

Animals in their own habitat are plain beautiful. When they can live naturally in their own place without disturbance is precious.

These pictures were taken at High Park, in DT Toronto. High Park is a large park, unlike neighbourhood parks, they have many animals, trees, and scenery. This picture of a swan's bottom was very common when I was there. They would dive their whole head, even their neck into the water to get food that they find at the bottom of the water.
Birds can just sit on a tree and gaze at the sky. But to us, it's an artwork. This picture shows how a gloomy sky, mixed with a perfect pose can turn into a beautiful picture. Snapping pictures of birds aren't difficult, as long as they aren't flying. This picture, I love very much because it looks professional, in my eyes.

My dad told me that some birds are able to land on the water, like how seaplanes can land on the water with their floats. That's how the birds landing, but instead of using floats, they use their webbed feet. We saw some birds taking off and landing on the water a few times, but never got a chance to take a picture of it because we can never predict the perfect place to aim the camera where the bird was going to land.

Little rodents attract a huge crowd. When they jump around, dig, or climb trees, which is natural to them, it looks really neat to us. Having the chance to snap a picture of them is very unlikely because of their small size and speed. This picture is when the squirrel was scurrying across a sidewalk towards some trees. A technique to being able to take pictures of small animals, or just animals in general is to be very stealth. If you were to walk really fast or loud, you would frighten the animal and lose your chance of taking a picture.

"The Earth is art, the photographer is only a witness." - Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
There are two kinds of people in the world.
One sees the world as a place that needs improvement.
The other sees it as an artwork that shouldn't be messed with.

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